Elements mode:
this section should help explain the elements mode in cubik studio and how to create a Default 3D Minecraft Block.
Fig 1:
Lets start by clicking Elements on the right side under Edit mode.
Fig 2:
Now click on the left side under Element to create a Cube. This is the white Cube under Element.
Fig 3:
Now that you have the Cube element you need to size it to a MC block. Use your mouse to stretch the Cube element. Make sure this Cube element is in the the Minecraft Block Limits. Each of the six darker lined squared represent a Minecraft Block. You want your model in the Middle Block and nothing outside this border for all tradition blocks.
Fig 4:
Now we need to add a texture. Click the bottom right + to add this.
Fig 5:
This is just showing the loading of a texture.
Fig 6:
Navigate to the texture folder. Inside that folder is blocks, items and a few more options. For this example we are going into the blocks folder to select the furnace_top.
Fig 7:
Now we are going to add another texture, just like before. This is a must since are model has multi textures being used.
Fig 8:
Note that we are not using the furnace_front_off in this example. As it is not needed for the lit furnace block we are creating.
Fig 9:
Now we load the final texture to the list. It's good practice to rename your textures to there respected names. we will do this in a min.
Fig 10:
Now it's time to UV Map! This is where naming your textures comes in handy. Just click the Element tab at the top and select the Edit UV Mapping or Shift+U on your keyboard.
Fig 11:
Now you can edit the UV Mapping of the texture for each side of the cube Element you made. To put a texture you added to a different side/face of your model, you will need to select your cube Element form the Elements list. Then right click the element, go to Textures and click customize.
Fig 12:
As you can see in the texture customise section of the element you can change the texture per side/face. This is why we name are textures.
Fig 13:
Right click your texture and rename it. As you can see in this image, all the textures have been renamed to their texture names.
Fig 14:
Now let's go back into the texture customise section of the element as seen in FIG 12.
Fig 15:
Now we are getting somewhere! Lets select the correct textures for the right sides/faces. Good thing to know is that the bottom left preview window is facing away from you. So if you want the Front to be the Front you need it to be Facing away from you in your bottom left view.
Fig 16:
Remember to load a particle or you will have some pinkish purple and black particles when you break this block. I just used the furnace_top for mine.
Fig 16:
Adjust your preview settings and you're Ready to export!
Fig 17:
Export your model as a .json file in your respected folder.